A Guide To Create Your First Assignment Draft

A Guide To Create Your First Assignment Draft   

Assignment – the word you keep on hearing from the day you enrol in any degree or diploma until you reach graduation. Since there’s no way you can skip these through the way, it’s time you equip yourself with the nitty-gritty of creating your first assignment draft.

Writing an assignment is a tedious task and more daunting than it seems. You often have a looming deadline ticking on your head, and working under pressure is not everyone’s cup of tea. Moreover, you’re not even sure you’ll finish it off effectively.

However, the first draft or ‘sloppy writing’ can become your final one if you pay a little more attention to it. To help you get the victory on the first go, we are here with a quick step-by-step guide. So, without wasting time, let’s dive right into it.

What Is An Assignment Draft?

A draft is a rough and sloppy piece of writing, often tagged with errors and compromised parts. It usually has most of the relevant points that need to be discussed to justify the topic.

4 Steps To Compose A Winning Assignment Draft

While it’s more likely that your draft might need tweaks in future. We are giving you a foolproof way to ensure your draft is flawless and impactful the first time, even if it is your first time writing one:

1.  Understand The Core Of The Topic

Well, this may seem crystal clear, but it’s one of the most neglected parts. Because you’re often working by the deadline, students often skip this part in a hurry. The idea is to focus on the question first and interpret what your professor means or what exactly he wants.

The success lies in decoding the question. While it may seem obvious, you have to find out what parts need the most focus and what aspect you need to cover. The ideal way to find that out is to inspect the terms that have been used.

For instance – if your professor has used ‘contrast’, you have to think of the topic in a differentiating aspect, while ‘elaborate’ might usually depict the general and your understanding.

It’s likely that you get excited and jump right into writing because you read one keyword. To avoid that, always highlight the main keywords. This way, you can focus on those and grasp the essence of the topic.

2.  Research To Gather Information

Do you know what makes a good assignment that makes your professor stamp it with an A+? The answer is – Research.

Like before the battle, people walk around to understand the situation. It’s time to leave your comfort zone and get all the relevant information about the topic. This step is crucial to craft an exceptional draft.

Think like an essay writer and find what sources a professional would explore to get the information. Since it’s the internet age, you can simply ‘Google it’ by writing the main keyword. Juggle around to different sites and pin the most appropriate ones.

Don’t forget to check out your course book to get the most authentic information and incorporate it into your research. You should also focus on some other requirement or instruction from your school or professor that you must follow. This step is to gather data from credible sources and any instructions that can be overlooked.

Pro Tip: Never keep your research till the first few pages of search results. Explore at least 8 pages to gather different information and narratives.

3.  Structure Your Assignment Wisely

Once you’re done with the research part, you can move forward by structuring your assignment. It’s more like a game plan. Plan your steps beforehand so you don’t get carried away while writing.

The first step you did (comprehending the question) will make this structuring super easy since you know what is needed. The bonus tip here is to use the mind mapping technique to radiate more aspects that might be useful in justifying the topic.

While there’s no ‘one structure’ to write an assignment, we suggest you stick with the basics to avoid any complexity. You can start with the introduction of the topic, the body and the discussion part, then sum it all up with an engaging conclusion.

4.  Start Writing By Embracing Errors

It is called the first draft because it isn’t the most flawless version of your assignment. Before starting the writing phase, remember the idea here is to jot down the information in an engaging way – without caring about the imperfections.

Begin the writing process by keeping the structure in mind. Stick to the plan and the roadmap you have created in the form of a structure. If you’re frightened to move forward with the writing part, simply go for my assignment help and skip all these writing woes.

But if you’re ready to dive into it, follow the structure. Here’s detailed guidance on assignment structure so you can power up your assignments even more.


The recipe for a great introduction is to give your professor a clue of what’s coming ahead. Jot down the central question or discussion topic and lay out some ground facts to set the stage for the next phase.


This part is tricky because this is where you mention all the facts that you may have gathered in the research. Depending on the requirement, you can lay out data that support, reject or contrast with the idea or question. Adding renowned theories or author’s opinions will also work in your favour.


Take this paragraph to point out the crux of the topic and what you’ve learned from the case. Don’t hesitate to pen down your own narrative or recommendations that you might think are good. This is a great way to show that you have put effort into the draft.

Now that you’ve followed the structure, we are sure you’re left with a well-researched and impactful assignment draft.

Final Thoughts

Starting out on the topic and creating the first draft is tedious and a little time-consuming for any Australian university project. However, this step-by-step with tips and tricks will cut the time in half, and you can compile an exciting draft almost near perfection.

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