Cookie Policy

MyAssignment.Help is a registered website that uses cookies like any other digital entity. We take it as our responsibility to tell the users about our cookie usage. When a customer visits our website, they will be asked about the cookies and whether they want to accept them or not. Customer consent is our utmost priority, and we do not make any type of cookies mandatory for accessing our site.

Necessary cookies and functionality cookies are the two types of cookies that we use. These cookies help us in managing the technical operations of our website and ensure that users can enjoy a smooth browsing experience. The primary goal of cookies is to store users’ preferences, so we can customize the site and offer a personalized experience whenever they revisit.

Data Mishandling

MyAssignment.Help keeps its data management clear and transparent. We respect the privacy of all customers and try our level best to keep their data protected. We would like to clarify that our team will never collect any of your data through hidden or indirect sources. It is our promise that there won’t be any unwanted disclosure, misuse, or illegal access to your data.

We collect your data only for legit reasons that are in accordance with our business objectives and process it lawfully. There is a separate ID number for every order to keep things well-organized and well-managed.